General Information:

The conference IBERGRID'2008 is being
organized by the University of Porto (U.PORTO) and
will take place at its Faculty of Engineering, from 12 to
14 May 2008
IBERGRID'2008 is the second edition of
series of Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conferences initiated in 2007
under the framework of the bilateral agreement for Science and
Technology signed in November 2003 between Portugal and Spain, aiming
to leverage the construction of a common Iberian Grid Infrastructure
and to foster cooperation in the fields of grid computing and
The main goal of the IBERGRID'2008
conference is
to constitute a forum where the advances in the development of grid
infrastructures, technologies and applications are discussed by the
main players in Iberian and Latin American countries.
Grids are crucial for addressing many of the
most challenging problems in science and engineering and are
increasingly important in business, healthcare, environment and other
applications. The 2nd IBERGRID conference is an excellent opportunity
to gather an enlarged community of academics, researchers, students,
industry specialists and practitioners in all branches of knowledge
sharing a common need, that is, powerful computing, visualization
and/or storage resources. This community will benefit from the Iberian
Grid Infrastructure being implemented as it will provide easy and
secure access to a larger and more powerful set of distributed
Questions about the conference should be
directed to conference co-chairs at