IBERGRID Conference. Santiago de Compostela (Spain). May 14 - 16, 2007


09:00 - "Grid Scheduling Architectures"

10:00 - Parallel Sessions
Session 1A. (Finis Terrae room)
Grid projects

Session 1B (Torga room)
Data & networking

Meeting room I
Grid / i-MATH Meeting

11:30 - Coffee Break & Poster Session I
12:00 - Parallel Sessions
Session 2A (Finis Terrae room)
Software support for grid projects
Session 2B (Torga room)
Supercomputer/cluster/grid integration issues
Meeting room I
Grid / i-MATH Meeting
13:30 - Lunch – Buffet
14:45 - Virtual Organization creation, operation and benefits.
15:30 - Parallel Sessions

Session 3A (Finis Terrae room)
Grid Middeleware I

Session 3B (Torga room)
Grid Applications I

17:00 - Coffee Break & Poster Session II
17:30 - Parallel activities

Finis Terrae room
Sponsor talks

Torga room
Spanish Thematic Network in Grid Middleware Meeting

Meeting room I
Cytedgrid Project Meeting
20:30 - Conference Dinner

Session Chair: Ramón Doallo Biempica, Computer Architecture Group (University of A Coruña)

09:00 "Grid Scheduling Architectures"
Ignacio Martín Llorente. Coordinator, Spanish Thematic Network in Grid Middleware. Complutesian University of Madrid.

10:00 Parallel Sessions at Finis Terrae and Torga Rooms (20 minutes per paper).


Session Chair: Tomás Fernández Pena, U. of Santiago de Compostela.

Session Chair: Pedro Alberto, University of Coimbra.



10:00 - South-West Regional Operations Centre: Operation and Management as part of the EGEE Grid Infrastructure.
M. David, G. Barreira, G. Borges, N. Dias, J. Gomes, J. P. Martins, E. Acción, C. Borrego, M. Delfino, G. Merino, K. Neuffer, A. Pacheco, M. C. Porto, A. Sainz, J. López, P. Rrey, C. Fernández, A. Simon, A. Lumbreras, F. Pérez, G. Amoros, J. Salt, A. Fernandez, A. Lamas, J. Sanchez and R, Marco.

      10:00 - The Andalusian Supercomputing Network.
Juan A. Ortega and Claudio Arjona
10:20 - The QosCosGrid Project: Quasi-Opportunistic Supercomputing for Complex Systems Simulations. Description of a General Framework from Different Types of Applications.
M. Charlot, G. De Fabritis, A. L. García de Lomana, A. Gómez-Garrido, D. Groen, L. Gulyás, A. Hoekstra, M. Johnston, G. Kampis, S. Portegies Zwart, S. Robinson, M. Strathern, M. Swain, G. Szemes and J. Villà-Freixa

10:20 - Catalan Policies and Experiences on Cooperative Repositories.
M. Huguet, L. Anglada and R. de la Vega
10:40 - The EELA Project, an e-Infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America.
J. Casado, R. Mayo and R. Muñoz.

10:40 - Tangram: a Robust and Reliable Directory Based on DHT Algorithms.
J. Salvachúa, A. Mozo, D. Alvariño, J. Renero and J. L. Agúndez.

11:00 - CyTEDGrid: Grid Technology for Boosting Regional Development.
J. C. Fabero, A. Bautista and F. Tirado
11:00 - Designing an Entity to Provide Network QoS in a Grid System.
A. Caminero, C. Carrión and B. Caminero


11:30 Coffee Break & Poster Session I
(The same posters will be presented by the authors at Poster Session II)

.: EELA Training Activities: expanding the Grid user community in Europe and Latin America.
C. Cherubino, L. N. Ciuffo, A. Fuentes and R. Mayo
.: Grid Assisted Protein-DNA Docking.
O. Conchillo-Solé, S. Campoy, J. Barber and X. Daura
.: Experience with a Virtual Laboratory Environment Using Grid.
E. Grosclaude, F. López, M. L. Bertogna, M. Naiouf and A. De Giusti
.: Centopeia: A New GRID cluster at LIP Coimbra.
M. Oliveira, A. Onofre, J. Carvalho, H. Wolters, J. Bastos, F. Veloso and N. Castro
.: Plugging Computer Labs to the Grid.
P. Ribeiro, P. Pereira, L. Lopes and F. Silva

.: Computational Shelf-Life Dating Framework: A ComplexSystem Approach for Scenario-Driven Simulations.
R. C. Martins, V. V. Lopes, A. A. Vicente and J. A. Teixeira
.: Monitoring Large Sets of Jobs in Internet-Based Grids of Computers.
S. Reyes, A. Niño, C. Muñoz-Caro, R. Sirvent and R. M. Badia

.: A step up with the HARVARD system: the HARVARD-g system.
R. Ramos and R. Camacho

.: Milipeia: A new computer cluster at the Universidade de Coimbra.
P. Alberto, P. Almeida, M. Fiolhais, M. Oliveira and L. Pinto
.: Exposing Stream Processors as Grid Services: a GPGPU Example.
P. Abreu, J. M. Pereira and L. O. Silva

.: ClusterUL Resource sharing under EGEE: an example.
F. Silva and R. Lima
.: Akogrimo’s Approach to Mobility and QoS Support for Mobile Grids.
P. Racz, J. E. Burgos, N. Inácio, C. Morariu, V. Olmedo, V. Villagra, Rui L. Aguiara and B. Stiller
.: Thinkingrid architecture for flexible & adaptive Grid Computing
Isaac Chao, Think in Grid (www.thinkingrid.com)

12:00 Parallel Sessions at Finis Terrae and Torga Rooms (20 minutes per paper).


Session Chair: Fernando Silva, University of Porto.

Session Chair: Javier López Cacheiro, CESGA.

12:00 - The accounting infrastructure in EGEE.
P. Rey, J. López, C. Fernández, D. Kant and J. Gordon.


12:00 - ZIVIS: a City Computing Platform Based on Volunteer Computing.
B. Antolí, F. Castejón, A. Giner, G. Losilla, J. M. Reynolds, A. Rivero, S. Sangiao, F. Serrano, A. Tarancón, R. Vallés and J. L. Velasco.

12:20 - Sun Grid Engine, a New Scheduler for EGEE Middleware.
G. Borges, M. David, J. Gomes, J. López, P. Rey, A. Simon, C. Fernández, D. Kante and K. M. Sephton.


12:20 - Enabling Desktop PCs with Virtualization for GRID Computing.
D. Lombraña, F Fernández, B. Segal and F. Grey.

12:40 - Applications Support in Int.EU.Grid.
I. Campos, M. Plociennik, H. Rosmanith and S. Stork.


12:40 - Monitoring Infrastructure for Superclusters: Experiences at MareNostrum.
E. Artiaga, A. Roa and S. Girona.

13:00 - A Study and Implementation of Virtual Servers for a Parallel Grid.
C. Fernández, L. García, C. Veiga, J. López, I. López, I. Campos, S. Stork and M. Plociennik.


13:00 - New Self-Scheduling Schemes for Internet-Based Grids of Computers.
J. Díaz, S. Reyes, A. Niño and C. Muñoz-Caro.


13:30 Lunch – Buffet (included).

Session Chair: Ignacio López Cabido, CESGA.

14:45 Virtual Organization creation, operation and benefits.
VO Representative from EGEE Project.
Frederic Schaer, CEA - Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique.

15:30 Parallel Sessions at Finis Terrae and Torga Rooms (20 minutes per paper).


Session Chair: Juan Carlos Fabero, Complutensian University of Madrid.

Session Chair: José Cardoso e Cunha, New University of Lisbon.

15:30 - Advanced Strategies for Efficient Workflow Management in a Protein Clustering Application with GridWay.
J. L. Vázquez-Poletti, E. Huedo, R. S. Montero and I. M. Llorente


15:30 - Grid Applications in EELA.
R. Abarca, A. Acero, G. Aparicio, C. Baeza, R. Barbera, F. Blanco, I. Blanquer, M. Carrillo, J. L. Chaves, A. Cofiño, J. Cruz, M. Diniz, G. Domingues, M. T. Dova, I. Dutra, F. Echeverría, L. Enríquez, F. Fernández-Lima, F. Fernández-Nodarse, M. Fernández, M. Fernández, V. Fernández, F. França, J. M. Gutiérrez, A. Hernández, V. Hernández, R. Isea, P. Lima, D. López, R. Mayo, R. Miguel, E. Montes, H. Ricardo, M. Moreveli-Espinoza, L. Nellen, G. Pereira, R. Pezoa, A. Porto, L. Salinas, E. Silva and C. Tolla.

15:50 - Parallel Algorithms on Multi-Cluster Architectures using GRID Middleware. Experiences in Argentine Universities.
A. De Giusti, M. Naiouf, L. De Giusti, F. Chichizola, I. Rodríguez, J. Petorutti, A. Pousa, J. Ardenghi, L. Bertogna and M. Printista.


15:50 - Organization of, and Experiences with, a Spain-Mexico Internet-Based Grid of Computers. S. Reyes, J. Díaz, S. Díaz, A. Niño and C. Muñoz-Carol.

16:10 - SSH Grid superscalar: a Tailored Version for Clusters.
R. M. Badía, P. Bellens, J. Ejarque, J. Labarta, M. de Palol, J. M. Pérez, R. Sirvent and E. Tejedor.


16:10 - BING: The Portuguese Brain Imaging Network Grid.
J. P. Silva Cunha, I. Oliveira, J. M. Fernandes, A. Campilho, M. Castelo-Branco, N. Sousa and A. Sousa.
16:30 - CPPC-G: Fault-Tolerant Parallel Applications on the Grid.
D. Díaz, X. C. Pardo, M. J. Martín, P. González, G. Rodríguez, J. Touriño and R. Doallo.
16:30 - Grid e-Services for Multi-Layer SOM Neural Network Simulation.
Rui Lima and Rui Silva


17:00 - Coffee Break & Poster Session II
(The same posters as in session I will be presented in this session).

17:30 - Parallel activities

Session Chair: Andrés Gómez Tato, CESGA.

Sponsor talks: Grid Experiencies in Industry

17:30 - Interfacing issues between Job Scheduler and Resource Manager.
Jean-Marc Denis, HPC Business Manager, Bull.

17:45 - El éxito de los entornos abiertos en la supercomputación: Cluster HPCC para cálculo matemático del Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia.
Miguel Lobato, Solutions Consultant, Dell España y Portugal.

18:00 - Caso de Éxito sobre Infraestructuras Grid.
Francisco Guerra, Responsable de Soluciones Enterprise de Fujitsu Siemens Computers en Portugal.

18:15 - HP en entornos GRID o la fábula del elefante y los ciegos.
Isidro Cano, Director de Supercomputación en HP España.

18:30 - Arquitectura y software Intel optimizados para GRID y HPC.
Antonino Albarrán, Director de tecnología de Intel Corporation Iberia.

18:45 - Some of Sun Innovative Projects.
Simon See. Director, Systems Practice High Performance and Grid Computing Sun Microsystems Inc. & Adjunct Associate Professor National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University.

19:00 - Nuevas redes, nuevas tecnologías: ¿Catalizadores para el GRID?
José Carlos Pérez Gómez, Responsable de Área de Soluciones Telindus España.

TORGA ROOM (for network members only):
17:30 - Spanish Thematic Network in Grid Middleware Meeting.

MEETING ROOM I (for project partners only):
17:30 - Cytedgrid Project Meeting.

20:30 - Conference Dinner at "Hotel San Francisco Monumento" (included for researcher passports).


