Hour |
Event |
09:30 - 10:00 |
Registration Desk |
10:00 - 10:30 |
Conference Room: Paraninfo |
Opening of the Conference
Monserrat Torné, Vicente Botti, Gaspar Barreira, Vicente Hernández
10:30 - 11:00 |
Conference Room: Paraninfo - Chair Gaspar Barreira |
The Spanish Network for e-Science
Vicente Hernández
11:00 - 11:30 |
IBERGRID, Grid infrastructure for the Iberian research area
Isabel Campos, Jorge Gomes
11:30 - 12:00 |
Break |
12:00 - 12:30 |
Conference Room: Paraninfo |
EELA-2 Project
Bernard Marechal
12:30 – 13:30 |
Session 1A: Infrastructures I |
Session 1B: Applications I |
Conference Room: Salón de Actos Chair: Nacho López |
Conference Room: Paraninfo Chair: João Cunha |
Ibercivis: infrastructure, applications and development workflow
Samuel Gimeno Artigas
MAGI: A Medical Application Grid Interfacing portal for eScience
David Pacheco
INGRID main grid computing centre: the seed infrastructure for the Portuguese NGI
Goncalo Borges
Improving the execution of Bioinformatics applications by using pilot jobs
Abel Carrión
Sponsor - IBM
Retos y soluciones para "multi-petaflop computing"
Jesus Martinez
P-found GRID: A Grid-enabled repository prototype for protein simulation data
Rui Brito
13:30 – 15:00 |
Lunch |
15:00 - 15:45 |
Conference Room: Paraninfo - Chair Ignacio Blanquer |
Key Note Talk: Grid Activities in Health
David Manset
15:45 – 17:00 |
Session 2A: Infrastructures II |
Session 2B: Applications II |
Conference Room: Salón de Actos Chair Isabel Campos |
Conference Room: Paraninfo Chair: José Salt |
Too many grids? How to share resources between different Grid infrastructures
Alvaro Simón García
Gridification of a Nanodevice Monte Carlo Simulator for the FORMIGA Project
Raul Valin
A Survey of New Scheduling Strategies for Internet-Based Grids of Computers
Javier Diaz
Integrated optics devices modelling using High Performance Computing and parallel Finite Differences in the Time Domain algorithms
José David Doménech
Grid Enabled Storage Systems at LIP
Mario David
Grid and Supercomputing Activities at the ICT Division of CIEMAT
Rafael Mayo
Sponsor HP
HP como catalizador del HPC, programas de impulso del I+D+i
Isidro Cano
The Portuguese BING Network: Towards a Brain Imaging Grid Virtual Community
João Paulo Silva Cunha
17:00 - 17:45 |
Conference Room: Paraninfo - Chair: Vicente Hernández |
Sponsor - BULL
Conciliar la Reducción de Costes e Incremento de Prestaciones con la EcoResponsabilidad en HPC
Óscar de Bustos
18:30 |
Welcome Cocktail |